Global Health Book Club

The global health book club group— enjoying snacks, conversations and a baby!

The global health book club group— enjoying snacks, conversations and a baby!

Latest book club book.

Latest book club book.

Looking for a book to read while you’re traveling to interviews? You might want to consider the latest read from our global health book club! Factfulness by Hans Rosling encourages the reader to look beyond the headlines and see what the data says the world is actually like— not just what we think it’s like. You might be pleasantly surprised at how much progress has been made. If you want to start to test your world view take the GapMinder quiz by clicking here.

We have a twice yearly book club, one book focused more of domestic health and the other with a more global perspective. This is part of creating well rounded family medicine physicians.

[Editors Note: If you are a fiction fan, you will find more than a few residents at our program who love YA novels. We are eagerly awaiting the release of the final Throne of Glass!]